I’m not going to lie to you, Callum and I were not friends. I’d go as far as to say we hated each other.
Which is why I was shocked and truly mortified after our one night stand. What can I say? Hate is a pretty strong emotion, it must have gotten the better of us. Or the drink did.
Anyway, having promised not to lie to you, I do have to come clean about something now. I’m not pregnant. Never was. But I saw an opportunity here. Callum had just found his way into more money than anyone would know what to do with and what I asked of him to support his ‘baby’ was seriously a drop in the ocean. He wouldn’t even have noticed! And I’d have figured out a way to make it work for as long as I needed it to. I might have been able to convince him to fund my project because of it. Now we’ll never know.
He never found out I wasn’t actually pregnant. Not for sure anyway. And I expect he’d have kept paying to keep me quiet. So I had no reason to want him dead. In fact, whoever did it has really screwed things up for me!