Online Games Hints

Find the game you need help with and click on however many hints you need!


+ Hint 1 for unlocking Round Two

The seven letters are all hidden within the evidence, either disguised as something else, or in places you wouldn’t expect.

+ Hint 2 for unlocking Round Two

Have a closer look at

  • the police report
  • the punched holes
  • the voicemails webpage
  • Madison's video message
  • Philippa's diary
  • the credit card statement
  • the email

+ Hint 1 for unlocking Round Three

You are looking for five symbols hidden in the evidence then you need to put them together to work out the code to unlock the padlock.

+ Hint 2 for unlocking Round Three

Here’s where you can find the symbols

  • two symbols in the Access Log
  • two symbols in Madison's Personnel File
  • one symbol on the webpage

Once you've worked out the numbers, put them together (don't add them!) and count round the padlock, always starting at 'A', to get the letters you need.

BTB Page Header Image.jpg

+ Hint 1 for unlocking Round Two

You're looking for colours that you can count.

+ Hint 2 for unlocking Round Two

Have a look at the bottom of the pages of evidence...

+ Hint 1 for unlocking Round Three

Some words in the videos have been highlighted in some way to help you work out the question.

+ Hint 2 for unlocking Round Three

The words in the videos have been highlighted by a static noise sounding just before the words you need. Identify the words and put them together to form an important question to the plot of the mystery.


+ Hint 1 for unlocking Round Two

You’re looking for letters and numbers that stand out somehow, hidden somewhere in the evidence

+ Hint 2 for unlocking Round Two

There are some capitalised letters in the Police Statements that shouldn't be capitalised. And each voicemail includes a number which, when put together, make up six digits.

The letters and numbers need to be added to the link in the order they appear in the evidence.

+ Hint 1 for unlocking Round Three

There are some numbers disguised as letters in the evidence.

+ Hint 2 for unlocking Round Three

Have a closer look at

  • the GMoE webchat
  • the webpage with Katya and Anya's phonecall
  • the letter from the financial advisor
  • Katya's letter

Add the numbers to the link in the order they appear in the evidence.

Sing Along Page Header.jpg

+ Hint 1 for unlocking Round Two

Find the stand out words within the evidence that make up a lyric to a song.

+ Hint 2 for unlocking Round Two

There are song lyrics hidden in the congratulatory emails from Joe to Caroline and Eileen. Some words are highlighted and if put together, form a line of a relevant song.

+ Hint 1 for unlocking Round Three

There are three words within the evidence that are all linked by another word. Find the words and use the linking word to unlock Round Three.

+ Hint 2 for unlocking Round Three

Have a listen to the live microphone recording and Caroline's social stream video, and read the school review closely.


+ Hint 1 for unlocking Round Two

Find the sections of the picture within the evidence and type their corresponding letter and number code (in the order they appear in the evidence).

+ Hint 2 for unlocking Round Two

Have a good look at

  • the name badges
  • the notice board
  • Anne's notes from clients

Make sure you have a close look at which sections of the Madonna picture can be seen

+ Hint 1 for unlocking Round Three

Each Rubix cube colour is worth a certain number.

The phone number also features in a famous 80s film, if that helps… it probably doesn’t…

+ Hint 2 for unlocking Round Three

Add up the columns of colours to get the numbers for the code.

“Who you gonna call…?”


+ Hint 1 for unlocking Round Two

The numbers are hidden somewhere in the Company Newsletter.

+ Hint 2 for unlocking Round Two

The numbers are hidden in the header that reads ‘Company Newsletter’.

+ Hint 1 for unlocking Round Three

There are letters hidden on every page of the evidence that will give you an anagram. Unscramble the anagram to unlock Round Three.

+ Hint 2 for unlocking Round Three

Hint for anagram : a piece of stationery.


+ Hint 1 for unlocking Round Two

Count the puns and add the corresponding word to the end of the link. Maybe google types of fish to make sure you’re not missing any ‘excellent’ puns.

+ Hint 2 for unlocking Round Two

Have a closer look at

  • the police statements
  • the text messages
  • Ray's fish club poster
  • Siaorse's email
  • the wedding event poster
  • the LOL Media article

+ Hint 1 for unlocking Round Three

Find the syllables hidden within the evidence. Pay close attention to the bottom right corners.

+ Hint 2 for unlocking Round Three

Have a closer look at

  • Ray’s laptop screen
  • Olivia’s hidden camera clip
  • Siaorse’s social stream video
BBaB Header Image.jpg

+ Hint 1 for unlocking Round Two

You're looking for a musical notation symbol, which is also used regularly on social media. The symbol is used four times in the evidence and it will leave you with a three letter and two number combination.

+ Hint 2 for unlocking Round Two

Have a closer look at

  • the show running order
  • Seamus's text messages to Ali
  • the newspaper article
  • the picture of the gun

+ Hint 1 for unlocking Round Three

The drink you're looking for has a connection to Eurovision.

+ Hint 2 for unlocking Round Three

Have a closer look at/listen to

  • Ali and Norska's phone conversation
  • Ali's note to Seamus
  • Norska's note to Ali
  • Hans's voicemail
  • Seamus's voicemail
  • Inida's voicemail
  • Norska's voicemail
  • Hans's email

How are you getting on 'Making Your Mind Up'?

CaCC Page Header Image.jpg

+ Hint 1 for unlocking Round Two

Have a close look at the graffiti - the word is in there twice.

+ Hint 2 for unlocking Round Two

You're looking for the word 'bite', have a listen to/look at

  • the hotel recorded conversation
  • Des's social stream video
  • the LOL Media article

+ Hint 1 for unlocking Round Three

The colours you're looking for are in the evidence found in the hotel rooms and Des's tent. There are four colours in total, but you're looking for five letters...

+ Hint 2 for unlocking Round Three

The masks are all different colours that correspond to the paint pots. There are also two green masks, giving you two of the same letter. Unscramble the letters you have to make a word that is relevant to the convention.

RFM Header Image.jpg

+ Hint 1 for unlocking Round Two

There are some numbers that look slightly different to the text around it in the evidence somewhere.

+ Hint 2 for unlocking Round Two

Have a closer look at the suspects' statements.

+ Hint 1 for unlocking Round Three

There is a note hidden in the photographed evidence which makes a sentence once put back together. The note does not include the word poison.

+ Hint 2 for unlocking Round Three

Have a closer look at

  • Al's notebook
  • Pepper's locker contents
  • The recording device There is a french word in the note.
The Clan Hitman Header Image without NTS.jpg

+ Hint 1 for unlocking Round Two

The four hangman games can be found at the bottom of three of the pages of evidence and below the video conference video. The answer for each game appears in written or spoken form on the page it is on.

+ Hint 2 for unlocking Round Two

The hangman words are,


The common letters are D, M, R and U.

+ Hint 1 for unlocking Round Three

Have a closer listen to the voicemail messages - each one includes a word that doesn't belong.

+ Hint 2 for unlocking Round Three

Timecodes for each word -

  • Heather - 0:09
  • Agnes - 0:20
  • Jock - 0:19
  • Dod - 0:11
DoaD Header Image smaller.jpeg

+ Hint 1 for unlocking Round Two

Have a closer look at the suspects' statements... some of the words look different.

+ Hint 2 for unlocking Round Two

The words you are looking for are -

  • back
  • struck
  • down
  • door

The word that links them is a theatrical term.

+ Hint 1 for unlocking Round Three

All numbers required to work the code out can be found in the newspaper article, just not in the right order.

+ Hint 2 for unlocking Round Three

At The End Of The Day, the longer you Look Down at the evidence, the more you'll be seeing Stars. You'll feel like the Master Of The House when you figure it out. Take a break and come back to it - One Day More won't make a difference...

EWM Header Image.jpg

+ Hint 1 for unlocking Round Two

Have a closer look at the suspects' statements, the note from Sarah and the letter from Liberty.

+ Hint 2 for unlocking Round Two

The symbols you are looking for are -

  • Ru (misspelled 'disturbed')
  • Re (bold in the word 'are')
  • Md (bold in the word 'humdrum')

Unscramble these letters to make a relevant word.

+ Hint 1 for unlocking Round Three

Take a closer look at the text messages (the mobile phones in particular...)

+ Hint 2 for unlocking Round Three

The numbers you are looking for are 17, 71 and 95. Each of these numbers relate to two letters that will spell out a name that is relevant to the story.

6FUP Header Image.jpg

+ Hint 1 for unlocking Round Two

Have a closer look at Robert's golf timetable

+ Hint 2 for unlocking Round Two

The letters you are looking for are e, n, i, n, e, o, h, o, l

Unscramble these letters to make a relevant word.

+ Hint 1 for unlocking Round Three

Some of the images in the table have been altered slightly.

+ Hint 2 for unlocking Round Three

The original images you're looking to match can be found in a text message, an email signature and a recording.