Money isn’t everything. Some people place friendship and loyalty more highly. Ash was not one of those people. Each of us could benefit from her lifestyle, and each of us could have killed her. But the only person she cares about was herself. Innes made her rich, Faye made her look even more popular, Dick gave her that ‘humble’ look, and I gave her everything! But she didn’t care that I taught her about online profiles. About make up, about becoming who she wanted to be. Apparently I was past it. And sorry honey but I made you. So I decided I would destroy you. 

I knew from our phone call that Dick would be working at the bar and wouldn’t notice a good friend making a special cocktail. I already knew about her scheme to take our money. I knew all her passwords and saw that unreleased video. So I took my revenge and it worked a treat. I killed Ash Tag. Hashtag murderer.