The B Project Watch Party!

The B Project Watch Party!


Eight years ago this year, we made our very own feature film, ‘The B Project’.

It’s a 1950s, black and white, sci-fi, b-movie musical, using songs by 80s pop group Five Star. It’s incredibly confused, but somehow it works! The cast, musicians and crew are entirely made up of our amazing friends and family and we had an absolute blast making this film!

We spent the whole of 2013 on it - script writing, recording the soundtrack, shooting, editing, re-doing the rubbish bits… and we premiered the film at The Belmont Cinema in Aberdeen in November.

Has it aged well? Will you be cringing? Or will you be pleasantly surprised?

There’s only one way to find out!

The link is below and it’s completely free to watch! However, if you feel compelled to leave us a wee tip for your evening’s entertainment, you can use this page to do just that. The minimum tip is £1, but you can add as many one pounds as you wish to your cart!

Pop over to our Instagram page and follow the behind the scenes chat via our ‘The B Project’ stories highlight.


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